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Remove-AzKeyVault FeedbackModule:Az.KeyVault Deletes a key vault. Syntax PowerShellCopy PowerShellCopy PowerShellCopy PowerShellCopy PowerShellCopy PowerShellCopy Description The Remove-AzKeyVault cmdlet deletes the specified key vault. It also deletes all keys… Lees verder »Remove-AzKeyVault

PS Rule

  • door A cross-platform module to validate infrastructure as code (IaC) and objects using PowerShell rules. PSRule works great and integrates with popular continuous integration (CI)… Lees verder »PS Rule

Workload Identity Federation

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Supported scenarios repo: The following scenarios are supported for accessing Microsoft Entra protected resources using workload identity federation:  Note Microsoft Entra ID issued tokens… Lees verder »Workload Identity Federation

Azure Devops Terraform plan destroy

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Create User account

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To create the user, call the New-AzureADUser cmdlet with the parameter values: New-AzureADUser -AccountEnabled $True -DisplayName “Maarten Buma” -PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile -MailNickName “MaartenB” -UserPrincipalName “”